Why Salesforce Data is a Game-Changer in Your Customer Portal

Why Salesforce Data is a Game-Changer in Your Customer PortalWhy Salesforce Data is a Game-Changer in Your Customer Portal

Welcome to the exciting world of 2023, where businesses are undergoing significant transformations driven by the changing needs and expectations of customers. As the industry matures and strives for greater efficiency and profitability, it's the customers who hold the key to success. In this blog post, we'll explore why showcasing Salesforce data within your customer portal is a game-changer for customer success leaders like you. Buckle up and get ready to discover how you can adapt, deliver exceptional value, and surpass customer expectations in this ever-evolving landscape. 


Wait. What is a Customer-Facing Portal?

A customer-facing portal is a shared space between the CSM and the client where customers can access personalized information all throughout their customer journey. It serves as a central hub for customers to engage with the organization, making it a convenient and efficient channel for communication. A well-designed Salesforce customer portal provides a seamless experience, allowing customers to access relevant data, complete tasks, join meetings, create discussions, go through onboarding and success plans, and so much more. 

Customer Portal

Which Interesting Data Points Can You Grab from Salesforce?

As a B2B SaaS company, leveraging Salesforce data within your customer portal provides a unique opportunity to showcase valuable insights to your customers. Let's explore the specific data points that are relevant and compelling for B2B SaaS companies to display:

Account Information: How many times did your customers ask you for the latest invoice, what's included on their package, or whether you could update their billing info? Displaying customer account details such as company name, contacts information, vertical, and account history allows your customers to have easy access to their essential information. 

Here are some ways you can use this data to enhance your customer portal:

  • When you integrate Salesforce with your customer portal software, you will be able to prepopulate the hubs in bulk and include the personal information for each account, instead of manually creating them (or not have them at all). 
  • With customer portal platforms such as EverAfter, you can ask your customers to update their details directly from the hub, which in turn will update your Salesforce data, ensuring 100% accuracy.

Usage Metrics: Sharing usage statistics and analytics with you customer, will ensure that your customer is aware of their existing consumption of your product, and can focus on increasing usage in the right direction. These metrics could include the number of logins, feature usage, data storage utilization, or any other key performance indicators that demonstrate the value and effectiveness of your software. 

Here are some ways you can use this data to enhance your customer portal:

  • Include graph widgets that will pull the usage metrics from Salesforce directly inside your hub. By showcasing these usage metrics, customers can gain insights into how they are benefiting from your solution, identify areas of improvement, and make data-driven decisions.

Support Tickets and Case Management: B2B SaaS companies often deal with customer support inquiries and technical issues. Integrating Salesforce data into your customer portal allows customers to track their support tickets, view the status of ongoing cases, and access past resolutions. This transparency and self-service approach empower customers to stay informed and proactively manage their support needs.

Contract and Subscription Details: Displaying contract and subscription information helps customers stay informed about their billing terms, renewal dates, and any upcoming changes. Providing clear visibility into contract details eliminates confusion and ensures customers have full visibility and control over their subscription status.

Mapping Salesforce fields to your customer hub platform (in this case, EverAfter)

By showcasing these data points in your customer portal, B2B SaaS companies can demonstrate their commitment to transparency, customer success, and providing value beyond the software itself. The detailed insights and self-service capabilities enable customers to make informed decisions, optimize their usage, and deepen their trust and loyalty to your brand.


Which Customer Success Metrics Could You Improve with Such Data Points?

By showcasing Salesforce data in your customer portal, you can positively impact several customer success metrics, such as:

  1. Retention Rate: Improved visibility into account information, subscription details and product usage allows customers to see the value they are getting, reinforcing their decision to continue using your products or services.
  2. Customer Satisfaction: Empowering customers with self-service capabilities through the customer portal reduces dependency on customer support and provides quick access to information, enhancing overall satisfaction levels.
  3. Time-to-Resolution: With a customer portal that integrates Salesforce data, customers can access case management details, allowing them to find answers to their questions or resolve issues faster, resulting in reduced resolution times.
  4. Cross-Selling and Upselling Opportunities: By leveraging customer data within the portal, you can identify cross-selling or upselling opportunities based on their purchase history, driving additional revenue streams and increasing customer lifetime value.

How to Use a Customer Portal Powered by EverAfter to Show Salesforce Data

EverAfter is a powerful platform that allows you to create a customer portal and seamlessly integrate Salesforce data. Here's how you can utilize EverAfter to showcase Salesforce data:

  1. Data Mapping: Connect EverAfter with Salesforce and map the relevant data points you want to display in the customer portal.
  2. Customization: Design a visually appealing and user-friendly customer portal interface using EverAfter's intuitive customization features. Tailor the portal to match your branding and ensure a consistent customer experience.
  3. Role-Based Access: Control the visibility of Salesforce data based on customer roles, ensuring that each user sees only the information relevant to them.
  4. Analytics and Reporting: Leverage EverAfter's analytics and reporting capabilities to track customer engagement, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to further enhance the customer experience.
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