Manage your POC through a mutual action plan interface

The new collaborative way to conduct POCs that ensures complete alignment with your buyers

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Customer POC Interface

All You Need for POC Triumph in One Spot

Designed to elevate prospect engagement, our tool integrates action-driving features that motivate active participation during the POC. It's about bridging the gap between product evaluation and commitment.

A shared space to manage the entire evaluation process

From time constraints and proving value in a short amount of time, to building a strong business case that takes technical concerns and specific client requirements into account, running a successful sales process can be quite challenging.

With EverAfter:

  • Create a shared space to manage the entire evaluation process with a mutual action plan, timelines, due dates, and clear success criteria.

  • Utilize automation and personalization to present the right case studies and marketing materials to the right buyers.

manage the entire evaluation process
sales interface

Build it yourself.
No code needed.

Our white-labeled builder empowers you to design and deploy your sales interface swiftly and without any coding knowledge.

With EverAfter:

  • Architect a POC interface with our intuitive, no-code platform, enhancing client engagement and conversion potential.

  • Integrate seamlessly with your existing CRM, ticketing systems, and calendars, ensuring a synchronized sales ecosystem.

  • Leverage scalable automations and segmentation to dynamically show prospects personalized insights and recommendations.

Build customer POC

Make easier for buyers to champion your product

With more people gaining access to the interface, you can significantly increase your reach and tap into a wider network of decision-makers and stake-holders within your customer’s company, maximizing your sales potential and fostering stronger relationships with each account.

With EverAfter:

  • Extend your outreach beyond the direct contact and connect with multiple stakeholders within each account.

  • Encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing within your accounts.

  • Make it easy for you to onboard your executive sponsor

Ready to see a personalized demo?

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