How sales teams exceed quotas

Get complete alignment with your buyers by creating a hyper-tailored evaluation experience throughout your entire sales process

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Optimize Revenue Goals for Sales Teams

EverAfter helps sales teams drive customer actions

The success of your sales team is directly connected to the actions of your prospects. Deal closures upsell, and account growth all depend on guiding these actions toward your revenue targets. Introducing the B2B Customer Interface – designed to inspire action from your prospects and customers, enabling your sales teams to boost revenue.

Wow your buyers with a POC interface experience

From time constraints and proving value in a short amount of time, to building a strong business case that takes technical concerns and specific client requirements into account, running a successful POC can be quite challenging.

With EverAfter:

  • Create a shared space to manage the entire evaluation process with a mutual action plan, timelines, due dates, and clear success criteria.

  • Utilize automation and personalization to present the right case studies and marketing materials to the right buyers.

POC interface experience

Execute a personalized buyer engagement strategy

Suggest targeted upsell offerings that perfectly align with the unique goals and expected outcomes of each client. By leveraging the valuable insights directly sourced from within the hub, you will witness a remarkable surge in both your upsell conversion rates and expansion opportunities.

With EverAfter:

  • Move beyond assumptions and offer upsell opportunities that are precisely tailored to each account's desired outcomes, vertical, and true needs.

  • Stop bombarding accounts with unhelpful content and loads of emails from multiple departments that creates unnecessary clutter and pushes customers away.

Scale your customer success team efficiency
"EverAfter has allowed us to move away from troubleshooting toward deep strategic conversations."
Pablo Kern

Danny Chalmers,

Revenue Operations

Set up a Deal Room for your team and the customer's team

With more stakeholders gaining access to the customer interface, you can significantly increase your reach and tap into a wider network of decision-makers and stake-holders within your client’s company, maximizing your sales potential and fostering stronger relationships with each account.

With EverAfter:

  • Extend your outreach beyond the direct contact and connect with multiple stakeholders within each account.

  • Encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing within your accounts.

  • Make it easy for you to onboard your executive sponsor.

offer upsell opportunities

Ready to see a personalized demo?

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