Gong reduced time to value by X3 with B2B Customer Interface

Gong reduced time to value by X3 with B2B Customer InterfaceGong reduced time to value by X3 with B2B Customer Interface

The challenge

There was a lot of back and forth between customers and systems before we integrated EverAfter!

Gong, like many other enterprise software companies, faced the challenge of lengthy and time-consuming onboarding processes. The company's customer success team was spending a significant amount of time hand-holding customers through the technical configuration phase of the onboarding process, which left little time for more strategic and valuable conversations. This was due to a lack of a comprehensive self-served onboarding experience that allowed customers to manage the configuration process independently. As a result, the CSM team was spending hours each week on low-value conversations instructing customers throughout the configuration phase, preventing them from focusing on more valuable conversations with customers.


To overcome this challenge and improve the efficiency of the customer journey, Gong turned to EverAfter. With the implementation of the EverAfter portal, Gong was able to offer customers a comprehensive self-served onboarding experience that allowed them to manage the configuration process independently. This freed up the CSM team to focus on more strategic and valuable conversations. Gong's customer success team can now build stronger relationships with customers and better understand their unique needs and challenges, enabling the company to scale more effectively. With the help of EverAfter, Gong has created a smoother, onboarding experience that leads to long-lasting and meaningful customer relationships, while also achieving greater scale and efficiency in their operations.

The solution

Gong leveraged EverAfter to create a seamless, self-serve onboarding interface that educates customers about the product capabilities while navigating them through the entire onboarding process. Once a customer signs up with Gong, they receive a single sign-on link to their personal interface, which provides a dynamic, step-by-step process that guides the customer through the configuration of Gong. With specific visibility rules, the customer is automatically provided with instructions for how to configure Gong with their specific systems. The interface includes links to relevant help articles, interactive to-do checklists, and walkthroughs, making it super easy for customers to start using Gong right away without requiring additional assistance from the CSM team.

Moreover, the Gong interface also supports the launch and "go-live" process by providing access to academy content, email templates for getting teams up and running, and other resources that can help guide the customer to a successful onboarding. The key for Gong was scalability and automation, and EverAfter's self-serve onboarding solution allowed Gong to achieve greater efficiency and focus on building stronger relationships with their customers.

Gong Success Interface Powered By EverAfter
Scalability and automation and making things more efficient was a key



By implementing EverAfter, Gong was able to streamline their onboarding process and speed up their customers' time-to-value by a third.

The data speaks for itself: after comparing the results with a control group, Gong saw a significant decrease in email correspondence between customers and CSMs, with a reduction of 10 times. Additionally, 100% of customers were ready for their first call with a Gong CSM with at least one key system integrated prior to the call, compared to only 38% before. Additionally customers who used the EverAfter interface were 20% more likely to report being delighted with Gong's services.

The success of the EverAfter implementation has not only allowed Gong to provide a more efficient onboarding experience for their customers, but also enabled them to confidently scale their business without increasing their headcount. By automating and standardizing key aspects of the onboarding process, Gong has been able to allocate more time and resources to higher-value, strategic conversations with their customers.

Gong metrics after implementing the EverAfter interface.
We can feel confident that they can leverage a self-serve tool that will guide them in the right direction

A look into the future 

Gong is exploring the potential to apply the same approach to other segments, including professional services engagements and upmarket segments. They are also considering using EverAfter to support success plans and exploring the possibility of using EverAfter interfacees to support pre-sales pilots for their sales team. Overall, Gong's experience with EverAfter has given them the confidence to explore new ways to efficiently scale and improve their customer experience.

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Gong reduced time to value by X3 with B2B Customer Interface
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