Customer profile for cross-team alignment

All the essentials needed to ensure the entire team (not just CS) really “knows” the customer. You will find in the top section information about points of contact, preferred communication styles, and preferred days to meet. The middle section is dedicated to customer goals, the definition of success, pain points, and background information to build a trusting partnership. And at the bottom section, there is a communication log tracking interactions with customers throughout the year The expectation would be for ALL team members (CS, Sales, Support, Marketing, Product, and C-Suite) to have access to these profiles.

Contributed by:
Stella Ikhnana

Processes & programs

Stella brings 10 years of experience in educational growth, fostering relationships, and driving program engagement. Transitioning from the classroom to the corporate world, she now focuses on training teachers transitioning to tech. Stella actively engages in the tech community, participating in customer success-focused office hours and professional learning groups.

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Customer profile for cross-team alignment

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Contributed by: Josh Phillips & Jessica Lauren Cohen

Josh Phillips and Jessica Lauren Cohen deliver expert strategies for conducting impactful meetings, essential for customer engagement and business growth. Their advice turns meetings into key drivers of progress and success.

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Contributed by: Donna Weber & Noa Danon

Donna Weber and Noa Danon provide valuable insights for successfully implementing a hybrid Customer Success strategy in 2024. If you're in the midst of launching a digital program, these tips will ensure you start on the right track.

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